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Shirley Shares... .::003::.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

1. We're in February already? Please tell me were time flew to.

2. Feels like donkey's since I last wrote one of these posts. I think it's because I'd been so busy with uni work, I just couldn't find time to sit and write about what I've been up to. Excuses, I know! :/ lol! I'm glad I'm writing this one now though, and I will honestly do my best to make it regular! :)

3. Hair Accessories have become my new obsession! From scarves to clips, chains to pins! Ahh the lot! There are tons of pieces I've picked up here and there, and a few that have been sent to me, and I'm dying to show you! The one I have on in the photo is from Primark! :)

4. I'm trying to get back on the right track when it comes to my Health and Fitness. I must admit, I'm not as fit as I'd like to be...I do the occasional run or aerobics class, but what I've found difficult is keeping it constant! I had a long chat about this with my mum, and she gave me a few pointers to get back into eating healthy and exercising more often. I love her, she even wrote out recipes for me! I've been reading the book Skinny Bitch ( Reccomends.) and it has really changed my thoughts about certain types of food. It's written by two girls, in a very blunt narrative and I'm really enjoying reading it! I don't think I can look at a can of Cola or a packet of cookies the same way I used to before! Lol! Don't get me wrong, I'm not going totally cold turkey on some things, just cutting down. (Y)

5. I'm in love with LLYMLRS. She is one of my favourite bloggers and I was so chuffed to find that she gave me a mention in her latest Sunday Portrait post! You should all go and pay a visit to her blog, if you haven't already! Her style, photography and the amazing way she writes = incredible + inspiring!




looove this post & SHIT (!!!!) this pic of you is amazing, gorgeous, ...



you are absolutely stunning in this photo. wow.


I Love Love this post. I tried blogging about hair accessories today!!! So it warmed my heart to see your beautiful picture! Once again beautiful post.



Your hair looks great! & the head piece.

I LOVE hair accesories way to much. I don't know about that book though, everyone seems to be telling me about it, I don't think it's necessary to scare people about food. No food is natural these days, even organic foods have been proven to sometimes have pesticides. I want to eat anything/everything lol.

Congrats. I follow her blog too. She's amazing. Really happy you made one of these posts! Waited ages! x


hi chic little one. i am so glad i ran into your blog. i've been in the business of blogs for a while and it is great to finally see an ethnic ( i hate using that term but ya know what i mean) girl with great beauty posts. although, i know lots about the trends, we are the same skin tone and it is always hard for me to find the right colors that compliment my skin tone. i love your aesthetic and poise on camera. i am a 24 year old writer from new jersey/new york. you can view my blog on the link provided. i look forward to visiting your blog more often for insightful posts. continue to shine your light dollface.

maria g.


U look beautiful as always,love the post


Such simple elegance....j'adore

I know you've been blogging for a while and probably have LOADS of these but I gave you a Stylish Blogger Award on BLEURGH xx

I love your girly style....its refreshing in a world saturated with wannabes lol



Yes! Fitness! Let's get fit for Summer and for Life!
Have a great one! x http://xnta.blogspot.com/


Actually I came across your blog through llmyrs ;)
I've read already abt the book "skinny bitch" & I'm really getting more and more interested!


All the best with your health and fitness. I read a book called 'Naturally Thin' by Bethenny Frankel and it has some very useful hints and tips.


All the best with your health and fitness. I read a book called 'Naturally Thin' by Bethenny Frankel and it has some very useful hints and tips.


Ahhhh why do you always look so gorgeous! lol
I am also totaly into hair accessories at the moment but i tend to buy more and wear less :P hehe


I could get healthier myself. I stopped drinking sodas cold turkey and I haven't had one in 7 months, it feels good.


As usual, great post. I'm with you on the fitness thing, I am so unfit :( Wishing you luck!


Stunning photo dear!!!


This post has been removed by the author.

Interesting. I'm going to have to check that book out too! I'm currently reading India & Neris' "From Pig to Twig"...



You are absolutely stunning! I'm so taken aback! Love the fluffy jumper in the previous post, and I love the 2 outfit posts below the lipstick post. Your inspiring! Cannot actually believe I didn't find your blog before.

Most definitley now following! :)


You look gorgeous!


Watched your latest haul, I soo had a feeling you were going to reveal those bad boys out of that box, I think their such a good alternative to the Jeffrey Campbell "Lita"...x



I love the clip, plus I know it feels like it was just the beginning of January yesterday! Hope you visit back :)


i know january went so freaking quickly xxxx


Such a lovely post!

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