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About Me.

Sunday, 1 January 2006

My name is Shirley and I'm a 21 year old student from London majoring in Mathematics at University. I have a thing for aeroplanes, I love fashion and makeup, and I recently discovered that I have an unhealthy obssession with Starbucks!. This blog is like my little bubble, where I can express how I feel about all the things that interest me!
A few personal posts here and there of my my outings, friends and family too.

Read about the meaning behind the name meek~n~mild.


All photos are taken by me, unless otherwise stated.
I'm happy to let you use them, please just make sure you link back to the source and credit me.
Thank you! :)

Other places to find me...

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Just to put it out there...
(A Disclaimer if you like!)

This blog is a platform were I can express how I feel and think about anything. All opinions expressed are entirely my own, and even though I accept sponsorships and products from companies sometimes (( By the way, I only accept products/advertisements from companies/blogs that I think my readers will be interested in. )), I would never allow my integrity to be jeopardised.


PR & Advertising.

For all PR enquiries and Advertising rates please email:

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Please note, I will only accept products/advertisements from companies/blogs that I think my readers will be interested in.
Thank you.


This blog is a personal platform for me to express myself in any way, shape or form. 
Opinions expressed are honest and unbiased. 
ALL photographs are property of Shirley B. Eniang, and are taken by me, my siblings or friends, unless otherwise stated. 
Please refrain from taking any and using them without recognising the owner and linking back to the source.

Thank you.


Q: What is your ethnicity/Where are you from?
A: I'm African (Nigerian & Ghanaian) and Canadian, born and brought up in London, England!

Q: What do you study at University?
A: Mathematics! I'm a bit of a nerd! Lol!

Q: What foundation do you use?
A: It constantly changes, but I always keep you updated by stating which one I use in my MAKEUP posts!

Q: What do use for your skin and hair?
A: Skincare Video :
     Haircare Video :

Q: What Camera do you use?
A: Canon 600D (+ 18-55mm, 50mm Lenses)

Q: Who takes your photos?
A: I do, with a remote and tripod. Sometimes I get a helping hand from my siblings or friends. :)

Q: What Software do you use to edit your videos/photos?
A: Videos: iMovie '11.
A: Photos: Adobe Photoshop CS4.

Q: Who designed your blog, header and links bar?
A: I did just by manipulating html. Codes for different things can be found through google. You can have a go, but please don't copy mine! :)
Unfortunatley I'm no longer accepting requests to design blogs!

Q: How did you get into blogging?
A: I stumbled upon the already buzzing blogging community and decided to have a stab at it. Started my Youtube Channel and Blog in 2009...been updating ever since!

Q: How do you get to go to all these blogger events?
A: They are usually by invitation.

Q: How can I find my style?
A: Finding your style is entirely up to you. Style is more about attitude and confidence in the way one dresses. It took me a while to realise that, but when I did, dressing up became fun and simpler. I'd say buy items and pieces you're drawn to (With me its chiffon, the colour red, and black shoes.) and experiment with them, and maybe also adding in a few current trends. Read magazines, blogs and browse around online boutiques for inspiration.

Q: I've just started out a blog, do you have any tips on how I can go about it?
A: Post about whatever your heart desires. It's your own creative space, you can do with it what you like. If you have passion for something, it'll show, and there will be people out there to share that passion with you.

My Top three tips..

1. Use Blogspot! User friendly and easy to setup!
2. Think of a quirky name that suits you and your style/personality.
3. Have Fun posting!

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