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Style is Personal.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Every time I am asked to sum up my style in one word, I always find I can't. I'd say its a mix of everything. I tend to dress based on my mood, and what at the time, I'm inspired by. Hence my edgy days, classy days, playful days etc..

I also feel I'm constantly evolving. I discover new ways to dress everyday, and the sheer enjoyment of embracing new ideas sits very well with me.

In all honesty dressing up in a fashionable or stylish way didn't always come natural to me. It's something I have been developing for a while now, and I've come to realise it's more about how I feel rather than how to look. Yes it's good to keep an eye out for trends, and yes it's good to occasionally incorporate those trends into my everyday dressing, but I've just found that If I can look in the mirror and say "Yes", then I'm good to go.

I think style is personal. I've said this before and I will re-iterate it... How I dress is not always going to be everyone's cup of tea, but I'm still going to embrace the way I dress, keep evolving, and keep enjoying myself in the process.

I love to see girls (and boys too!) embrace their style. I revel in the thought THEY feel and look good, no matter what they're wearing, and that inspires me.

Keeping an open mind has also allowed me to develop my style. There have been times I've thought "Oh that would never suit me", but soon after I've thought that, I go ahead and try it, and most times I end up loving the way it looks on me.

If you are developing your own style, be willing to consider new ideas. I'll also say to keep a style diary, it can be a blog or a scrapbook of your outfits. If you're not all that up for blogging, uploading your looks onto sites like or Chictopia is a great way to keep tabs on your growth.
Try new things and be brave enough to take risks, this way you're more likely to find what works for you and what makes you feel and look good.
It's your style.
It's personal.


Who/What am I inspired by?
Check out my Favourites Page and Follow (My Inspiration Board) to find out!


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This post is so true.


I totally agree. When I was younger I was still "fashionable" but I was hopping from one it thing to the next. So not me anymore. I adore your style though!


love your outfits :)
check out my blog www.elly-caramelly.blogspot.com


Very well said, Shirley!

I think it's also important to remember that when reading an outfit blog, people choose what they put up! Everyone has off days, which seldom get seen.


Very true :D Im so in love with ur style


I love you style. Your trendy, edgey but also sophicated. Your style is very inspiring to me and I adore you.



Lovely post! I totally agree with what you've said! I also just recently started paying more attention to my style, before that I always wore nice and clean clothes but not too trendy. Now I try to follow the trends a bit more but still staying true to my aesthetic. :)


Love your versatility, everything looks so good on you!


well said my dear! i love your style i think its truly unique :) x


Great reflection! I think people believe that style is something that we can simply take from someone else and apply it to ourselves. But there needs to be a realization that it is more than that. Even if 2 people do the same exact outfit, their style is going to make it different because style is personal and individual. Thanks for putting that out there xo...


i know it's personal, but i need all the help i can get...in order to find my own personal style! that's why i look to you, Shirley ; )



U pull off all ur mood styles from boyish to glam love it! Seeing u blog so effortlessy made me take the plunge too! Will take some time before I'm grasp some of it but I guess practise makes perfect...


What a great post, I'm a mood dresser as well so I know how hard it is to define your style. But I think, why would you want to define your style? Fashion is way too much fun to stay in one attitude!

-Aly @ www.therosealley.blogspot.com


I agree with you. :) I'm still finding my style, but I think I'm getting there. :) It takes time.


I love your honesty. Like you, dressing fashionably doesn't come so easily to me, but I've worked long on hard of my individual style. I love your ever evolving style. XOXO


You are so right. I follow your blog for inspiration, love your style and your blog!!



I totally agree with you, I dont have a particular style either. I just dress to my mood I guess. I really love the second outfit, I think that lace top goes really well with the chiffony skirt. you look gorgeous! xx


Truly love your blog! I'm thinking about opening a chictopia account I just need a camera man! ahaha Anyways my favourite outfit in this collage is the first one. So chic :-)



I love your style. You're right, it's completely personal and an expression of ones self. <3



These photos are beautiful! I adore your style. It's always fun to mix it up to how your feeling!x


Well said! I absolutely ADORE your sense of style, it definitely shows, that you know what works for you.
you inspire me :)


Doesn't matter wich style you are! You just look amazing, doesn't matter what you wear! You have a personality, this is the most important! ;-)



sooooooooooo very true


fvisem said...

Hi Shirley, I've only recently discovered your blog (actually I've only came across your youtube channel a few days ago) and I'm already hooked! I love your style and your personal way of putting the new trends into your style: fabulous!

Wise words! A fashion style is very personal and everybody should wear the clothes they're comfortable in.


I have to say, I truly admire your style. It's classic,and you look very comfortable in it. It doesnt seem like you try too hard, and it seems natural. BTW, your hair in all of the pictures looks amazing!



i love this post..your are gorgeous

holybnj said...

this is such an inspiring blog post! :)


you're beautiful!!!


LOVE your belted trench!



Very well sad. I think being truly stylish is about taking a trend and making it your own by adding your own twist to it. Or going against what's trendy and being totally different and just being you!!

Carsedra of:




You have such a unique style and are just gorgeous. Lusting after your Silver Glitter Foxy Browns. x


sooo true!!



I think actually that's the reason I love fashion blogs - everyone looks different all the time and inspiration comes from a variety of places.

I like that you don't box yourself in :)


LOve this post! Totally agree!

Practically Coffee


wow, shirley you are a truly beautiful person - inside and out. i love the four outfits you've chosen in this post and i love how you can pull off any style, and do it so well. the 1st and 4th photo are my favourite. you look amazing! xo


your so right :D



I love watching your videos and your blog post they so much fun and very unique to you. I love that you dress the way you feel and I beleive that everyone can bring out the lady, rocker, sexy or any feeling in how they dress.

Love your style!!!



Im a huge fan of your diverse style approach. It makes and keeps your blog look interesting. Keep up the great work.



Agreed... your style reflects your personality and like you mentioned each day its different... I know I go through periods when I want to dress casual all the time and then there are times when I want to get all dolled up... it varies... great post!


your too cute!

girlinthelens said...

First outfit is amazing! And you're so right, style is constantly changing :)


love the last pic :)

check out my blog http://www.elly-caramelly.blogspot.com/


Beautiful Outfits.



What a great and true post!
I'm not always wearing 'fashionable' clothes, but as long as I feel good in it that's ok.
Btw, I LOVE your outfits, no matter what style you're rocking :)


Absolutely LOVE your style, Shirley

and you've got a hot rockin' bod too LOL




Great post!


I admire your style to the fullest. And not to mention, you're a great writer. That's rare on this site nowadays. Keep it up! xx



first of all I love your style! My most favorite is the grey coat outfit & that read pencil skirt outfit :)


Love it love it love it


wow you look like a model in that last photo, and the first one too. Very chic and editorial like!


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