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Nights Out in Notts - Picture Heavy!

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Photographs of our nights out in Nottingham...as promised! :)

Freshers Ball

Earlier on that night...

Mase and I on the Dance Floor Later on...
"I've got moves!" lol.

Drinkypoos at Walkabout

Jess, Poonam, Beau and I.
(Look at my face, haha!)

Army Night

Well I didnt have any army gear to be honest, so i decided to go as a Navy Woman...!
Me, Poonam and Esme

So yes, as you can tell, i'm having way to much fun!
More to come! lol

Thanks for passing through!



Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Sup ma beautiful followers!

Some of you may or may not know...

...but I've started Uni already! 

I'm now a big girl! haha
I moved up about a week ago, got settled in my new place, went shopping in Nottingham City (a lot) and Partied HARD!
Freshers week has been maddd!
I Went out every single night for the whole week!

I've had a look at my timetable and Number Crunching (I study Mathematics!) begins next week.
I must say my timetable is really good...God really DOES Love me!
I have a day off during the week, and the whole weekend off! Yay!
...But I will put that time to great use!

Just a quick post to let y'all know, i havn't forgotten about you
(...well maybe for a tiny bit, but hey, excuse me, i only get to do this once!!!)

I'll be back posting about all our shenanigans and more fashion and beauty sturvvs very soonly!
In the mean time, here's a pic of Me and my new bestie Yasmin.
We met a few days ago and she is soooo lovely! :)

(More Pix to come, Promise!)

I love you all soo very much.
I get sooo excited and overwhelmed at all the love you constanty shower me with!

God bless and I wish you a Cracking week!

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