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Shirley Shares... .::001::.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

1. The colour red is still lingering. I thought that by the end of the Christmas season I would have gotten over my slight obsession with it, but it still remains! I've been sporting Ruby Woo almost everyday, and I'm currently in love with Saucy Polish.

2. Arghh. Still can't believe that my little holiday at home has come to an end. I've loved being at home, having cooked food all the time (thanks mum!) and just spending time with my family, and most of all, my little Nathaniel. Can you believe I still get teary eyed when I have to say good-bye? I'm such a baby. Lol!

3. I'm off to Nottingham tomorrow. I have to go and prepare for semester two (which is in a week), and also for those pesky exams I have around the corner. I can't wait till they're over, I don't like exam season, and oh golly, why does the damn thing always have to be around my birthday?!?!

4. I'm 21 in 17 days. eeeek!
Still deciding how I'm going to celebrate! I was going to go to Paris, but I'm postponing it till later in the year because of exams (yada yada yada)! Might just have dinner, and then see a movie..hmmm, we'll see!

5. Spotify is my new best friend. I love searching for old and new albums of my favourite artists and just immersing myself into them. Music is wonderful. My current faves: The Script (Seriously... GO and listen to Science & Faith, LOVE!), Daft Punk, Wynter Gordon, Frank Sinatra and Fred Hammond!

6. I'm getting used to the thought of being in 2011. You're probably going to think this sounds cliché, but I have a good feeling about this year.
2010 was good, but this year's going to be better. 
I can feel it. :)




I love this ring so much !!
& I love your blog :)



I love that red, have a great time in Notts. I'n so happy to find another blogger based in England!!Thanks fr shearing,love Sia x


aaww, your birthday is two days before mine ^_^ hope you have a good semester xx


I'm obsessed with red at the moment too. Good luck with exams xx


Love the photo! I have to say red is still my favourite colour for lips and nails, it's just so pretty! Loving your nail varnish too x


good luck on your exams hun xx


I hate the color RED but I am obsessed with Red Lips and Red nails...Don't ask =)


Thanks ladies! :)


Aww good luck with your exams hun! Before I was very anxious about trying reds as I didn't think they suited me, but I've slowly come to love it!

Aysh xoxo



That red lip is gorgeous! I am also obsessed with the Script album, it is awesome! xx



Beautiful picture, red looks good on you ! Good luck with your exams :) xoxo


Happy New Year Pretty Girl! Enjoy your birthday to the fullest!



I have that ring :-) and Ive been wanting to try saucy polish you just reminded me LOL

good luck with everything

Vikki @ Vikki-Gabrielle World Blogspot


U look stuinning as always love Ruby woo on u hun..Hav a safe trip 2mr&enjoy ur birthday too we r both Aquarians haha mine is beginning of Feb lol


love red this season too...x

i hate exam season! Dreading returning to hibernation and knowledge overload :s

NOT A FAN :( Goodluck with yours though hun xx



im dreading the new semester as well


spotify is a bummer when it ends though :(


Im in love with red at the moment too! Its so fierce!


I'm thinking the same way about 2011, this year just has a different feeling to it, it's already been amazing to me and it's only the 2nd day into the year!! I hope 2011 is great to you! :)


You aren't the only one who can't let go of the red. Rocked a Sephora lip color today to church. My birthday is the 21st. I love having a double new beginning, don't you? Good luck on your exams =)


Girl theres nothing wrong with Red we all go through a phase. At least this is a good one, and it looks good on ya ;-)


this is such a lovely photo, now following you lovely :) xxx

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