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Shirley Shares... .::002::.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

1. I have survived a week without my phone. In my hustle and bustle to catch my train last week I forgot it at home! I must admit, I thought I'd be able to make do without it for a couple of days, but I'm seriously missing the convenience of having it! If only my sister would hurry and get it to me already... -__-

2. Booked my tickets for IMATS London at the the end of the month! Yay! I actually haven't been before and I'm looking forward to it. I've read blogs and watched videos about past shows, and seems like an exciting thing! I'm going to be attending the show on the 29th (still not sure what time I'll be going, but I will update you on !). Looking forward to seeing some of you there!

3. Grey's Anatomy... That show. :O
Only just got into it in the past week, and I'm obsessed. I love dramas, and I think this is one that everyone should watch! I'm always curious to know what happens next! I watched the whole of season 1 (back to back) one day of last week! Haha! 

4. I have so many ideas for posts and videos, and I can't wait till my exams are over so I can really get stuck in to making them! :)

5. I've made a conscious effort to surround myself in the midst of positive people, in the real world and cyber world... People who speak words of encouragement into the lives of others and help sharpen them. It's important that each person realize their truest worth and associate themselves only with people who value it.

6. First day back tomorrow, eeesh. Fun times.


Hope you have a very good week! :)




I completely cosign the positive people comment. It can do leaps and bounds for your life. You'll see great developments, I started on that path last year. amazing, overall.


I wish I could go to IMATS too! :( Make sure to take a lot of pictures for us :D xo


You look so pretty! Have a great week as well. ;)


Ooh, IMATS! I hear its a lot of fun, so I hope you have a good time!


I totally feel for you with no phone! Been there...plenty of times :~

Your so so very right on number 5...and I hope you achieve it to the fullest! I've started my year on a similar note too and it really is an eye opener..



Ah I love this! I especially love #6 :)


I can't live a few hours without my phone lol


YES I love Greys Anatomy. The new season start this pass thursday and it didnt disappoint. I cant wait for the new episode this week


I really appreciate #5 i feel like it's something all of us should do..especially as ladies...<3


i used to watch grey's anatomy then stoped ( i have no idea why ) i guess ill start again ( after exams ofcours looool ) xx


I completely agree with you on number 5! It's true. We must pick and choose who influences us :)


Such a cute post!
IMATS! Ohhhh Can't wait to hear your feedback :)
Good luck with your exams though


awesome post as always

and have fun at IMATS! wow... definitely something to look forward to! :-)

and I love your picture to this post!!!



Shirley! Greay Anatomy is my FAVORITE show! I've been with it since season 1 and I hope it never gets cancelled. LOL

There has been times where that show had me boo-hooing by the end.

Negativity is contagious so it's very important to surround yourself by like-minded and positive, unlifting people. Good road to take.

All the best on your exams!



U look beautiful as always hun,I love Greys Anatomy..Wish I was free2go 2Imats lol..Hope u hav a gr8 weeek&take care..


you look sooooooooooooo beautiful ... ach :)



=O you're going to IMats?
Wow congrats, I hear the tickets are quite expensive. Is that true?


booking my tickets for imats too, cant wait, as I have never been before :) Have you?


Hi Shirley, I've been watching your youtube channel for ages and I've just become a follower of your blog because it gives me joy :-) Now because your blog knows no bounds in its brilliance you and beauty crush alike, inspired me to start my own so I'd love it if you could have a look and tell me what you think.

Loadsa love from Amanda :-)


following you on twitter now


i like youre blog and i follow you

i hope you follow me too^^


kiss kiss

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