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I'm just going to be happy.

Sunday, 29 November 2009

In the last couple of weeks it has become a little bit hard living as a Student.

My flatmates are getting on my nerves. The work load is becoming increasingly unbearable. I've also become very conscious in what i'm spending my money on, as there is soo little of it at the moment.

I'm missing my family so much. I'm missing my personal bank (Dad), my mum's Sunday cooking, my little brother's noise and my other two siblings bickering (I never thought i would!).

In my silent moments when I think about it all, it really gets me down.

But then I come to the realisation that I don't have it all bad and I remember to thank God regardless.

I know that He loves me and has a purpose for my life, and all these experiences are being used to form my character and future.

It may get hard sometimes, but when I really think about it, I just remember to be happy and to trust God.

"Whosoever trusteth in the Lord, happy is he." ~ Proverbs 16:20

So i'm going to do just that!




Gorgeous post Shirley which has such good meaning behind! :)
I honestly understand how you are feeling, im in my third year at uni and at the minute the work load seems unbearable, but we will get there hun and it will all be worth it in the end, i promise! Thats what i keep telling myself anyway!
Lovely picture, you look stunning!
<3 xox


Thank you soo much Sinead!



Lovely post hunni. I believe in God too and say prayers every night. This post has inspired me to feel happy. Sometimes I really let things get on top of me and I get upset so easily. Life is too short for me to feel like that unnecessarily.
Don't worry too much gorgeous. You'll see your family at xmas wont ya?


Thanks Marcia! Yes i will! Can't wait...counting down the days haha.

Your right, Life's to short to get upset!



oh, this post is so beautiful dear, i too believe in god, this post really has inspired me so much just like 'legseleven7' wrote. things should get better soon dear :)


awww thats great! This made me smile :)


I know how you feel and I'm sorry you're feeling like that but remember that in the end it will be all worth it! I really like this post! very touching.


Thanks ladies!



Thanks! I needed to read that & do the same thing. :}


Awww lovely post. Life as a student really does have its tough days! Stay strong...it is well luv :)


Aw, that was sweet
Feel better girl! Think about it this way, you're your own person
Free to do whatever you please.


awesome. stay encouraged. God loves you <3


I think that is a great way of going about it! Your hard times sound nearly exactly like mine right now and I am just trying to take it one day at a time and have faith in God.



I am now humminh the Leona Lewis song "Happy" in my head! hahaha I hope you continue to have happy days...we appreciate ya!


Lovely post!
No doubt, things can get rough from time to time, but there's always so many things to be thankful for! :)



Nice post...it's easy to let the little things get in the way, but it's good that your looking at the bigger picture and have God in your life!


that is a beautiful statement, yeah you should just be happy don't let it get you down! xx


i know im late, but that post is so beautiful.

God Bless




i KNOW EXACTLY how u felt cos most of the student population was goin thru the same thing. But as you said God has a purpose and if you let the bad things stop you, you can never get to see the good things (ending results)


stay beautiful and blessed hun,u so talented God loves you so much,take care

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